I salute you all the Education stakeholders especially those who are devoting their resources to the works of Uganda Muslim Teachers’ Association (UMTA), a national and not for profit organization committed to create a teachers’ movement that will meaningfully impact on schools and society.
Education being the most powerful resource for transforming society, UMTA has for the last 33 years been in the field of working with communities across Uganda in the area of Education. Our main focus has been on increasing access to quality Education while working with teachers as our primary target, Learners, Learning Institutions and all other key stakeholders driven by Similar interests.
We are dedicated to running a professional organization in line with the three thematic areas derived from the 2019 – 2023 Strategic plan which include Quality education, Advocacy and pro-active engagements as well as Institutional Development.
Aware that handling Educational challenges is a tedious responsibility, we shall continue to look out for people of good will to support our work directly or indirectly by recommending us to partners and other well-wishers.
I thank all sponsors, UMTA Members, leadership and subscribing schools for supporting this convention. I thank the organising committee, all our facilitators and secretariat for their outstanding contribution towards the success of this convention. I wish you fruitful deliberation!
UMTA: Many Minds One heart beat!
....but also of encouraging active learning, the development of different skills and the adoption of desirable values and attitudes of Teachers & students.
UMTA Uganda
Uganda Muslim Teachers’ Association (UMTA) was established in 1988. It is a national non-governmental not for profit registered organisation working across the country. UMTA is a vibrant professional organization uniting Muslim teachers irrespective of their social and political affiliation.
UMTA Uganda
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